Can social media cause stress? Yes, it is proven and it has a serious impact on all our lives. Especially the habit of scrolling news feeds, can really have a serious effect on how we carry out our day. Yes, it influences our lives to that extent. Read below to know what to do and what not to, and yet enjoy the perks of using social media.

Our observations

What do we see in social media? Not just fun facts and videos that bring out the cheer but any serious discussion around our circles or the one that is worldwide.Scams, Scandals and so much more which will always trigger our eagerness to know what happens next especially if it is related to our favorite celebrity. 

We would have never had any idea about the negative thing that is happening, but because it is trending on social platforms we urge ourselves to know more about it.

This has a serious impact on the way we think and if taken seriously it may lead to depression and anxiety.

Seamlessly perfect but not perfect

We would have noticed that the someone else in our circle will be leading a perfect life. It’s human nature to envy that. But the truth is no one’s life has absolute perfection it’s just the mirage that these social platforms are creating. The people who are eager to project the perfect life prism also take too  much stress when their life is not actually so. This give social and mental pressure to all of us

Morning binges

The day in our life starts with these impacts. When we open our eyes in the morning we are eager to know what the world is shouting to us. But the reality is we are bound to it when are supposed to do productive things during the meaningful time of the day.If we start the day with a negative projection that the social media has to offer or even a good one, its impact is more in our lives than our self-development and  self-analysation which is more in our lives to grow and nurture ourselves.

Relationship handles

The communication has now become a shredded thread, either the feeling that we develop for a person in a social media is below the bar or it becomes overly obsessive. It shades the actual nature and the nurture that the specific relationship has to provide

But social media has also proven to be the best of its own at many instances. It’s all about how we make our life with it, either realistic or just a feather in the air. Too much of obsession can cause serious mental health and if you experience so contact Kumar’s hospital @ to get a counselling to deal with your social media obsession.